Maksud duti eksais
Maksud duti eksais

maksud duti eksais

#Maksud duti eksais registration

LAND LAW: Ownership - Title to land - Registration of land in favour of 3rd defendant - Transfer by plaintiff's father, now deceased - Plaintiff never received consideration sum - Whether this per se constituted fraud - Whether plaintiff was relying on a general allegation of fraud - Whether sufficient to infer liability on 3rd defendant's part - Whether any fraud attributed to 3rd defendant or any of its Directors - Whether 3rd defendant remained unencumbered registered proprietor of landĪMISLAMIC BANK BERHAD v. THE REGISTRAR LAND & SURVEY DEPARTMENT & ORS LEGAL PROFESSION: Retainer - Authority - Challenge to 1st plaintiff's counsel's authority - Whether a formal application must be filed in order to raise this objection - No resolution by 1st plaintiff company to sue defendants and to authorize certain individuals to take the necessary actions - Letter warranting 1st plaintiff's counsel's to act - Whether warrant issued was bad for want of authority - Whether counsel had locus standi to represent 1st plaintiffĪBD KADIR ABDULLAH CHIN KUEH KONG v. KONSORTIUM LAPANGAN TERJAYA SDN BHD & ORS PROSEDUR JENAYAH: Pertuduhan - Pemerangkaan - Memperdagangkan orang bagi tujuan eksploitasi - Jenis eksploitasi - Sama ada wajib dinyatakan dalam pertuduhan - Kegagalan memasukkan - Sama ada mencacatkan pertuduhan - Sama ada memudaratkan pertuduhan kes pendakwaan - Akta Antipemerdagangan Orang dan Antipenyeludupan Migran 2007, ss. UNDANG-UNDANG JENAYAH: Pemerdagangan orang - Ingredien kesalahan - Pembuktian - Unsur-unsur paksaan dan eksploitasi tidak dibuktikan - Sama ada tiada kes prima facie dibuktikan - Sama ada tertuduh harus dibebaskan tanpa dipanggil membela diri - Akta Antipemerdagangan Orang dan Antipenyeludupan Migran 2007, ss.

maksud duti eksais

KN SEGARA JCA, ABU SAMAH NORDIN JCA, RAMLY ALI JCAĬOMPANY LAW: Liquidator - Provisional liquidator - Duties of - Appointment by court order - Claim for remuneration - Whether provided sufficient supporting information - Whether costs and expenses reasonably incurred - Whether owed fiduciary duty to act fairly and in interest of respondent - Whether provisional liquidator breached fiduciary duty - Whether claim reasonable - Companies Act 1965, ss.

maksud duti eksais


Maksud duti eksais